Ruby Receptionists Resolutions for 2013

Photo by Virtual Receptionist Erin B.
Photo by Virtual Receptionist Erin B.

In the spirit of the New Year, we asked our virtual receptionist team what they’d like to accomplish in 2013! Here’s what our team has planned:

Virtual Receptionist Erin: My mom got me an amazing grateful book, and my resolution is to write in it every day for a year!

Virtual Receptionist Jessica M.: I’m looking forward to saving to buy a new house!

Office Champion Claire LaRocca: To keep a list of every book I read this year.

Sales Associate Ashley Fisher: To be able to do a pushup while in a handstand!

Virtual Receptionist LeAnna: To live by this quote: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” The first thing I’m doing is training for Portland’s half marathon this October!

Virtual Receptionist Emily M.: Buy less! Experience more! Be a better housekeeper!

Executive Assistant Mercedes Salles: Same resolution as last year: to cook more at home!

Virtual Receptionist Holly S.: To become a superhero, saving Portland from anything too normal. I will have a cape and a mask, of course!

What are your resolutions for 2013? Share in the comment section below!

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