In the spirit of the New Year, we asked our virtual receptionist team what they’d like to accomplish in 2013! Here’s what our team has planned:
Virtual Receptionist Erin: My mom got me an amazing grateful book, and my resolution is to write in it every day for a year!
Virtual Receptionist Jessica M.: I’m looking forward to saving to buy a new house!
Office Champion Claire LaRocca: To keep a list of every book I read this year.
Sales Associate Ashley Fisher: To be able to do a pushup while in a handstand!
Virtual Receptionist LeAnna: To live by this quote: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” The first thing I’m doing is training for Portland’s half marathon this October!
Virtual Receptionist Emily M.: Buy less! Experience more! Be a better housekeeper!
Executive Assistant Mercedes Salles: Same resolution as last year: to cook more at home!
Virtual Receptionist Holly S.: To become a superhero, saving Portland from anything too normal. I will have a cape and a mask, of course!
What are your resolutions for 2013? Share in the comment section below!