Effective message taking is key to an excellent phone call experience—whether a receptionist or business owner is answering the phone.
Here at Ruby, we do a lot of talking. We answer 5,200-5,500 calls every day. That’s a new call every nine seconds for the entire 13 hours that we’re open. Lather, rinse, and repeat 5 days a week plus Saturdays.
So we know the importance of effective message taking.
We pride ourselves for being friendly, professional, and helpful on the phone. But the other half of spoken communication is the written communication that goes with it. We send phone messages via email. We make outbound calls for our clients, and they rely on an email to know what happened. Our client services department sends a follow-up email every time they talk to a client. As the maxim goes, “If it’s not in writing, it didn’t happen.”
So what is the secret to effective message taking? The same rules apply whether you’re writing a formal business letter, a quick email, or just taking a message from a caller.
Writing messages effectively involves three key principles:
- Aim for clarity. Express your meaning concisely. Avoid unnecessary complexity or jargon that could confuse readers.
- Ensure comprehensiveness. Provide all pertinent details. Consider the recipient’s perspective and anticipate their potential questions.
- Maintain accuracy. Review thoroughly before sending. For brief messages, a single proofread may suffice, while longer or formal communications warrant multiple checks.
Overall, a good message should save the reader time. Remember your three Cs, and you’ll be making the most of your time as well.