Ruby Core Values: A Peek Inside the Ruby Guidebook

Upon becoming a Ruby, each of us is introduced to the Ruby Core Values.  We read them, we discuss them, and we are both expected to represent these values at work and encouraged to live by them in our personal lives.  Here’s a peek inside the Ruby guidebook, and a little of my own commentary as well:

Integrity: We do what we say we’re going to do, when we say we’re going to do it.  We strive to do the right thing for ourselves, or company, and our clients.  We are honest.  We are committed to live out our values.

The way I see it:  It’s pretty important that the person handling your calls does what she says she will.  The receptionist provides your callers’ first impression, so it is vital that no one slips through the cracks.  Integrity means placing sufficient importance on every call and handling each call in the way that will reflect the company best.

Accountability: We are clear on what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and what outcome each of us has to deliver.  We recognize and celebrate our successes and achievements.  We take personal responsibility in performing our jobs to the best of our abilities.  We take pride in our work.

The way I see it: I’ve had jobs with bosses that do not tolerate mistakes.  They get all worked up over the slightest error, and it makes for a stressful working environment in which you would rather hide in a corner than admit you’ve done something wrong.  Thankfully, this is not that job.  Here we are encouraged to admit our mistakes, and we are forgiven.  Everyone works together to solve the problem, and then steps are taken to help prevent those mistakes in the future.  It’s a beautiful thing when mistakes are not seen as the end of the world, but rather as room for improvement.

Outstanding People: We act on the belief that our people are our service, knowing that knowledge, commitment,and talent of different people drive our success.  We maintain a business environment of dignity and respect.  We foster personal and professional growth and development.

The way I see it:  It’s no secret how I feel about my coworkers (they’re amazing!).  Just take a look at my previous post, An Introduction to Ruby Culture, below.

Innovation:  We are always looking for a better way to do what we do.

The way I see it:  This is the Ruby value that is least visible to our clients and others outside of the office.  It’s not just an empty promise, though.  Since I’ve been here I have seen several new systems and operating procedures implemented that make the office work faster and happier.

Unparalleled Service:  We consistently exceed the expectations of our clients and their callers.  We recognize that “we are our clients,” and represent our clients’ interests as we provide our service.

The way I see it:  This is the one that clients and callers really see.  It’s what we call the “WOW” factor.  I suppose all of the other Ruby values could be included in this one, because it takes integrity, accountability, outstanding people, and constant innovation to provide the level of service that makes Ruby Receptionists a great company to do business with and a fantastic company to work for.

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