Rubies for Rubys

At Ruby, we believe strongly in the value of encouragement and recognizing hard work.  By recognizing our employees for a job well done, we are making a solid investment in fostering a better workplace.  The incentive campaign can be a particularly valuable tool in cold, dark winter months when morale tends to wane and flu season rears its ugly head.  For the past several years, we have implimented a fall and winter incentive campaign called “Rubies for Rubys.”

Rubies for Rubys is all about recognizing and rewarding the fantastic work each receptionist does every day.  Every two weeks, our staff leaders posts a new list of three or four ways the team can earn rubies for the coming weeks.  The tasks are always work related or promote the Ruby Core Values.

The receptionists are also given a supply of rubies to give out to their coworkers to recogonize a job well done.  After about 3 months of collecting rubies, the staff is given a chance to use those little plastic gems as real currency in an auction!  During our annual holiday party, the girls get to bid on all sorts of great prizes like paid time off, electronics, trips, gift certificates, and so much more.  Each receptionist at the auction will walk away with a prize, but the top ruby earners get first pick!

So even though the rain is starting to fall, it is still a very exciting time at the Ruby office!

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