First, there was snail mail. Then there was email. And then there was…well, more ways to communicate than most of us can keep track of.
But while it’s true that we live in an era of instant connection through social media and other platforms, businesses should never underestimate the power of the humble email. While marketing trends come and go, email remains a critical channel for businesses to communicate consistently with their clients and to provide help and support effectively.
Looking for some killer email marketing ideas to help grow your small business? You’re in luck—we’ve got ten you can use to increase customer engagement and retention starting today.
10 email marketing recommendations for growing businesses
1. Welcome new customers.
First things first, when you land a new customer, you need to welcome them to the company. Make sure your customer knows how much you value them by telling them as much, no matter how big or small the account.
Next, if you require additional information from the customer, send out timely reminders to give them a nudge and help the process run smoothly.
2. Touch base regularly.
Once your customer is on board, you want to make sure you keep them happy. Nobody deserves to get lost in the system, so take time to let your customer you care and that you’re interested in how they’re getting on.
Is there anything they need? Is your service meeting their expectations? Is there anything you could do better, or do they need to run through anything with you? Asking these questions and adding a personalized touch makes all the difference. Sending an automated follow-up every few months will also remind them that you’re there to help.
3. Provide product updates.
While product update emails are necessary, you’ll want to proceed with caution. Don’t push your products. Rather, fill them in on updates to their service they may be interested in. And gently check whether their circumstances have changed since they signed up.
You want to tread carefully here, because if your customers feel like all you want is their money, they may just go elsewhere.
4. Discuss changes in the marketplace.
The market is always changing. Things like legislation, taxation, and market trends can shift on a dime—and could be something your customers are concerned about.
When there are major changes in your industry that affect your clientele, educate them in a clear and simple way. Don’t inundate them with facts, figures, and all the negative implications. Rather, be honest, open, and keep it simple.
If your customers know you’ve got their back and know what you’re doing, they’ll feel much safer in your competent hands.
5. Deliver handy hints.
While you want your customers to know everything’s under control, you don’t want them to forget about you. This includes prospects as well. Whoever you serve, you want to ensure you’re on their minds.
One great way to do that is to provide free hints and tips that help educate and empower. Explain how they can save money—not just with product bundling, but by reviewing their services, making any updates as needed, and so on.
Remember, transparency builds trust, and customers would rather stay with a reputable and trusted service provider than one that doesn’t care.
6. Keep it real.
In a similar vein, you want to remain transparent with your customers as much as possible. For instance, not every client or customer needs the all-bells-and-whistles service. Rather than trying to talk up the most expensive products on your business shelf, help them understand which product will best suit their needs and circumstances.
If a customer knows you’re looking out for them financially, they’ll be far more likely to come back to you as soon as they can climb the next rung of the ladder.
7. Send out renewal reminders.
One thing people almost universally hate is marketing phone calls. So, when your customer’s contract is up for renewal, a better approach would be to reach out to them online.
Send them a reminder a couple of months beforehand, and then the month before. Always be clear about what, if anything, they need to do, so your customers always know what’s required of them.
8. Offer referral bonuses.
To grow your business, you don’t just need to keep the customers you’ve got—you need to find new ones. One of the best ways to find new customers is through your current customer base.
Humans are creatures of habit, and one habit intrinsic to all of us is asking for advice from a trusted friend. If their friends ask your customers which provider to go with, your name should be the one on their lips! A referral bonus will go a long way to keep it there.
9. Stay current.
You always want to be on top of your game—which means keeping your business up-to-speed on your customers’ needs. To that end, think ahead to what your clients or customers need to know three months, six months, a year into the future.
Rather than selling to them, give them guidance on how to help themselves at that time. Be an expert in both your field and your locality–whether that’s a city, country, or the world–and your customers will know where to turn when they need helpful advice.
10. Be consistent.
Consistency is one of the first rules of email marketing basics. No matter how witty your emails are, how informative or educational, if they’re inconsistent, you’ll probably be forgotten.
After the initial welcome and onboarding email flurry, make sure you keep in touch. Use the email marketing ideas we’ve outlined to help your customers feel looked after, to build their trust, and to let them know you’re around when they need some help.
When your customers feel like they’re a face and not a number, they’ll be far more likely to throw more business your way.
Put these ideas to the test!
A solid email marketing strategy is a major asset for any business—especially service providers with growing customer bases. It’s the perfect way to engage with potential clients or customers, and make sure your current ones stick with you.
With strong educational content, regularly reaching out to touch base, and building trust, your business will continue to grow and keep your customers happy for a long, long time.
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Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on databerry.com