For those of you not in the know, the Ruby culture is a big part of what makes Ruby Receptionists special. We’re cool, we’re hip, and we’re very Portland. (If a city can be used as an adjective, then that’s what we are.) Though only a few of us actually grew up in Oregon, we’ve all found our way to this little corner of the world, where our quirky personalities have found a home. We can wear whatever we want to work, but the lax dress code doesn’t keep our fashionable ladies from looking great. There’s Lily-Rygh with her hep-to-that-jive style, Kayla’s raccoon-like fascination with sparkly sweaters, and Annie, who runs her own fashion forward business called Fat Fancy.
The ladies I get to spend my day with are fun and multi-talented. For example, Heather backpacked through Asia. Lisa can teach you how to apply great-looking makeup, even if you’re make-up challenged like me. Angela is a trained pilates instructor. Alexa plays the drums, Phoebe plays the bass guitar, and Annie is the lead singer in her band “Annie and the Dreamboats.” Cat is a model and photographer, and Jennifer tells the funniest stories. And every one of them is marvelous on the phone.
We’re a compassionate lot as well. We care about the environment. In fact, Charlene coordinated our recent effort to win the City of Portland’s RecycleWorks Award. We also care about others. A group of Rubies participated in the Race for the Cure on September 21st. They affectionately termed themselves “Rubies for Boobies.” Every month we get together for an office-sponsored event. In November we plan on volunteering at our local food bank, and you can bet we’ll bring our natural exuberance with us. We especially care about each other. Frequent compliments and a genuine appreciation of our co-workers define us, and that’s the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) we like it.