We were delighted to meet Carolyn, Jacy, and Bob from The Verity Group at the ABA TECHSHOW this year, and we immediately thought of them for our Ruby Client Spotlight series. As consultants for businesses as diverse as Fortune 50 corporations, AMLAW 100 law firms, and small, independent entities, this tech-savvy group ferrets out inefficiencies and helps their clients to make the most out of their resources.
I chatted with President Carolyn Young about The Verity Group and how entrepreneurs can best use technology to build their businesses.
Tell us about The Verity Group
The Verity Group is a hybrid consultancy specializing in blending Information Technology with best practices in legal services, records management, and document review. We help clients with Data Management, Document Review, E-discovery Workflow and Litigation Readiness, and with a focus on efficiency, we work with clients to deliver better communication, processes, people, and procedures.
How do you see the role of technology in improving entrepreneurs’ lives?
Technology makes the playing field more level for all enterprises, big and small. Often, we see clients that have grown massively and so rapidly that they have lost control of the data and technology available to them – that’s where we come in. We help businesses understand what they have and help them use it to the fullest. We advise not only on technology, but the people running it, because technology is only as good as the people behind it. It all leads to a very synergistic and holistic approach to resource optimization.
You’re a Relativity Certified Admin, and both you and Bob are Relativity Certified Sales Pros. What is Relativity?
Relativity is the leader in document review platforms and is primarily used in the discovery phases of litigation. Relativity allows law firms and corporations to quickly gather information about a case and find key documents to support their efforts. Features like file review, coding options, flexible workflow capabilities, and integrated productions make for a significantly efficient document review process.
How has having Ruby’s virtual receptionist service affected your business day-to-day?
Simply put, Ruby has helped us stay in touch with our clients, no matter where we are or what we are doing. Communication efficiency is required to meet our clients’ time-sensitive needs. Ruby is always professional and that helps us ensure the right image for our small but growing consultancy.