At Ruby®, we know communicating with clients is a critical part of an attorney’s job, but also one that can take up a great deal of time and energy. Keeping track of that communication can prove even more difficult.
Ruby and Clio® want to alleviate this burden and streamline attorney and client communication with our new integration. Now Clio users can automatically have Ruby messages and voicemail notifications sent to their Clio account, making it easy to associate these notifications with specific matters and contacts.
For example, if a caller’s contact information matches the contact information of an existing contact within Clio, the Ruby message will automatically be assigned to that existing contact. Clio users can then go in and edit the message, add notes and contacts, or connect the message to a matter by typing in the matter number. Additionally, Clio users can add time to a message for billing purposes.
With Ruby and Clio together, at last, attorneys will be able to:
- Delight Callers: Callers are greeted by a cheerful, knowledgeable receptionist trained to deliver exceptional experiences.
- Grow Your Practice: Missed calls are missed opportunities. Ruby answers calls live—24/7/365!
- Break Free From Your Desk: With Clio’s cloud-based management software and Ruby’s ability to transfer calls to wherever you are, there’s no need to be tied to an office.
Enjoy peace of mind knowing your calls are handled by a highly skilled and friendly receptionist while saving you time with all your client’s details in one place!
For Clio clients interested in learning more about the Ruby/Clio integration, or how Ruby can help your practice, call us at 844-311-7829.