It’s true! If you’re holding a seminar or other event, consider having our virtual receptionists take your reservation calls. Although we cannot keep a master list of who’s attending, if you always have spots open, we can absolutely take care of those time-consuming calls. And we can collect as much or as little information as you’d like. Perhaps you just need the names of those attending, or maybe you’d like a mailing address, too. Want to find out how your callers heard about your seminar and see how your marketing dollars are best spent? Our friendly and professional virtual receptionists can take messages specifically tailored to the details of your event — one of the many ways our virtual receptionist service is customizable to fit your needs!
We can also keep information about the event on-hand like driving directions to the venue and a few frequently asked questions. And of course, our virtual receptionists are happy to transfer anyone to you live who has more detailed questions (or is interested in signing up for your service right away!).
Current Ruby® client Anthony Albertino of Albertino Financial sums it up perfectly:
“I’ve told a few people how much I like this part of what you do for me. The best way to describe it is this: while I like to take a call from a new prospect to engage in a conversation, if it’s just the act of taking the reservation then Ruby does it better. Not every first time caller wants to talk; they really just want to reserve a seat and see what things are about before engaging. When I receive an RSVP message from Ruby, I know that it was done quickly, efficiently, and correctly!”
We couldn’t agree more! Handling your reservation and intake calls is just one more way our virtual receptionist service can make your days easier, happier, and more productive. And there are no additional fees for this service!
If this seems like it would help your business and give you some peace of mind while you prepare for your event, feel free to give us a call at 866-611-7829. We’d be delighted to help!