You might be wondering how a virtual receptionist service like Ruby can positively impact your business. Our goal is to deliver world-class customer experiences, and part of that means our receptionists answer every call live. No need to fret about callers going straight to your voicemail—Ruby has you covered!
Here are just a few ways Ruby can work with your business:
- As your full-time receptionist. Our virtual receptionists are never late, sick, or on a break. Simply forward your phone line to us once, and then forget about it! Callers will be greeted with a warm and friendly voice, typically by the second ring.
- On and off throughout the day. What if you prefer to speak with your clients directly when you’re available? Ruby is a great solution! You can take calls yourself when you’re able to, and anytime you’re unavailable, Ruby is there for you! Simply forward your calls to Ruby when you are out of the office, in a meeting, or at lunch.
- For overflow. Perhaps you already have a receptionist in your office, and you’re looking for some extra help. Many phone providers offer a feature known as “Call Forward/Busy No Answer” or “delayed call forwarding.” Anytime your line is busy or rings unanswered, calls will ring to Ruby instead of your voicemail. Callers are guaranteed an excellent experience even if your receptionist is on another call or away from their desk for a moment.
Do you have questions about which option will work best for you? Feel welcome to chat with us at 866-611-7829, or Tweet us @callruby!