Receptionist etiquette tips: three phrasing musts

The remote receptionist team at Ruby aims to sound stellar during every call we answer.

Try these three tips from our telephone answering experts, and you’re sure to make a great impression over the phone!

1. Avoid filler words.

We’re talking about words such as um and like, uh-huh or mm-hm.  Using fillers can be a tough habit to break, but it’s a worthy goal to work toward.  Cutting these expressions out of your vocabulary is a surefire way to exude professionalism.

2. Say it fully.

Pronounce words fully, and try not say anything you would not write. Here are a few guidelines to help keep you sounding superb:

  • Say yes. Skip yeah and yep.
  • Say no. Skip nah and nope.
  • Enunciate going to rather than saying gonna.
  • Enunciate to rather than saying ta.
  • Enunciate supposed to rather than saying supposta.
  • Enunciate could have and would have rather than saying coulda and woulda.
  • Replace mmkay and ‘kay with okay or yes. Better yet, try absolutely or certainly.

3. Be positive!

Our live virtual receptionists know that being positive is a key part of being professional.  Make the most of positivity, and use expressive words when you have the opportunity. Saying wonderful, fantastic, and great shows enthusiasm and care, and as mentioned above, affirmative words like certainly and absolutely make a great impression. Give these exuberant expressions a whirl!

See how the virtual receptionists at Ruby answer calls in a friendly, empathetic manner: