Ruby Has a Sports Team

Ruby's Virtual Receptionist Kickball Team
No dogs nor Rubys we harmed in the making of this photo.

Rubys love fun.  It’s pretty much a job requirement given that our core values revolve around Fostering Happiness and Creating Community.  And what could possibly be more fun than reliving elementary school with our favorite recess game?  And so, the Ruby Death Squad kickball team was born!

The Ruby Death Squad is a team of about 20 or so Rubys and friends of Ruby that meet every Wednesday in Alberta Park during the summer for some good old fashioned kickball fun.  Last year, the team made it’s debut with bright pink shirts adorned with flaming skulls (designed and printed by of our wonderfully talented Client Services Representative, Heather Q Brackett) and had a phenomanonal summer of soaking in sunshine and cheering our hearts out. Just because our virtual receptionists sound so sweet and professional on the phones each day, doesn’t mean we can’t yell and huzzah with the best of ’em; even though we didn’t win a single game last year, the Death Squad was “Team of the Week” in our league twice that season due to the never-ending support and cheer that our team gave to every single game.This year, we have come back with those same bright pink shirts and that same sparkling Ruby attitude…and a few new team members!   We still haven’t won a game yet, but we are optimistic that we might just win one this year.  And if not, that’s ok too, because we are just happy to be wearing matching shirts and playing the game together.

If you would like to come check out a game, our schedule is posted here thanks to the wonderful people at Underdog Sports Leagues.  The Ruby Death Squad is always accepting new members to our cheering squad!

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