Carolyn Elefant’s Solo by Choice: How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be is an incredible resource for solo attorneys, and we at Ruby® are extremely grateful to have been mentioned in her new edition! In her chapter on Office Technology, Elefant discusses the plethora of phone options out there as well as the dilemma of who will answer your phone: a live receptionist, a voicemail system, or an answering service.
If you decide to go with the latter, she suggests that you, “[s]elect a secure, reputable answering service or shared receptionist…Ruby Receptionists is a virtual receptionist/answering service used by many solos and small businesses” (p.110). She also offers several tips on call handling, such as making sure the person who answers says the firm’s name in the greeting and that keeping them in the loop about your availability will make your practice look good.
Solo by Choice is a fantastic, beneficial read for solos and anyone thinking about striking out on their own, and she touches on everything from starting a practice to marketing and social media to how to take a vacation (a real one!). We’re delighted to be mentioned in such a comprehensive guide! If your interest is piqued and you’d like to pick up a copy, you can order one here.