How to sound friendly on the phone to foster happiness, create great impressions, and help your business grow!
A phone call from a client or potential customer is not only an opportunity to talk up your business — it’s a chance to spread a little joy! Our virtual receptionists have discovered that being powerfully positive over the phone is an easy way to foster happiness, make a fantastic impression, and maybe even improve your company’s bottom line — after all, people do business with people they like. (I don’t know about you, but if my choice is between Grumpy’s Garage and Friendly’s Auto Body, I vote Friendly’s every time.) Can’t beat great customer experience!
Here are three ways to be powerfully positive on during your next customer call:
1. Choose powerfully positive words.
Want callers to know you’re happy? Tell them! Phrases like “I’m happy to” or “I’ll be glad to” work wonders. “Absolutely” and “Certainly” showcase your enthusiasm, and are a major upgrade from okay. “Thank you” and “You’re welcome” never go out of style, and don’t forget this classic: “It would be my pleasure!” Brainstorm a list of powerfully positive words and phrases, and keep it by your phone for a little inspiration. The next time you answer a call, set out to foster happiness.
2. Cheer up your tone.
A happy tone of voice is uber-important over the phone. From the first hello to the last goodbye, even the most powerfully positive words can fall flat without the right delivery. Worse yet, you might come across as insincere or sarcastic if your “Absolutely!” is uttered in a lackluster monotone. Not sure how to verbally foster happiness? Pretend your caller is an old friend you’ve been dying to catch up with. You’re thrilled about this long-awaited conversation! Another surefire way to keep your tone in check is to…
3. …Smile!
It may seem silly, but it works. When you’re smiling, a warm, friendly tone just happens. Unless you’re an evil genius, a dreary tone of voice is pretty tough to achieve when you have a smile on your face. And here’s a lovely bonus: Smiling is likely to make you and your caller feel good, and may even have a powerfully positive impact on your health. Benefits abound!